Michelle Meerse

What is Professional Liability

Professional liability—sometimes called Errors and Omissions (E&O) liability—results from errors or omissions in the performance of professional services. *** Sound On***  Insurance (really anything insurance related) is never the highlight of one’s day… that being said – It’s a good news, bad news situation. The bad news: Lawsuits, have become as common as avocado What is Professional Liability

Food drive: help us stuff-a-bus

Every little bit counts   Each month, over 307,000 Canadian children turn to food banks in Canada for help. School breakfast, lunch and after school programs provide much needed support, but where do those children go in July and August? Help us Stuff-a-Bus this summer and support our local food bank. All of our branches Food drive: help us stuff-a-bus

Preparing Employees for Evacution

How would employees escape from your worksite in the event of an emergency? Do they know where all the exit routes are in case their first choice is too crowded? Are they sure doors will be unlocked? Did they consider that other exits–like hallways–may be blocked during a fire, explosion or other crisis? Share the Preparing Employees for Evacution

Top 10 Threats to Small Business

Optimism is the fuel that drives the entrepreneurial spirit, so it isn’t surprising that most small business owners consider themselves optimists. Too much optimism, however, can get a small business owner into trouble. A business plan built solely on the “best case scenario” is like a house of cards—one gust of wind (or fire or Top 10 Threats to Small Business

Keep Your Business Afloat

The fickle nature of Canadian weather only exacerbates the unpredictability of floods, and with so many areas susceptible to flooding, one unexpected severe storm can trigger widespread, damaging floods. Ignoring the issue of possible flooding can sink your business. Stay afloat with solid preparation and a thorough flood plan. No worries, we’ve got one for Keep Your Business Afloat

The Balancing Act: Work vs Life

According to recent studies, nearly 66% of Canadians put in 45 hours of work each week—50% more people than 20 years ago. Not only are many people putting in more hours – over 1/2 of the 25,000 Canadians who responded in the Balancing Work and Caregiving in Canada survey said they take their work home with The Balancing Act: Work vs Life